• Round numbers continue growth through summer
Round numbers have increased over summer

The warm summer weather continues to be a boon for Australian golf according to new data released by the Australian Golf Industry Council.

For the eight months to date in the current financial year, total rounds played across Australia are up 5.3% on 2011-12 figures with growth largely consistent across both genders.

Following 5.3% growth in January, national growth was up 5.4% in February 2013 over February 2012.

This growth was despite very heavy rainfall across Queensland which resulted in a 9% drop in rounds played in that state for the month.

Victoria saw an 11% increase on February 2012 figures – which was the wettest February in nearly 40 years for much of the state.

Growth has been slightly higher in metropolitan areas at 6% while regional growth was at 4.8%. Metropolitan areas are responsible for 44% of total demand.

Golf Australia CEO and AGIC Chairman Stephen Pitt said the figures showed golf was trending in the right direction.

“It has been a positive summer for golf as an increasing number of rounds are being played on year to date figures. Outside of Queensland which has felt the brunt of some wild weather, people are clearly taking advantage of the summer conditions to get out on the golf course,” Pitt said.

“From a leadership perspective, with this macro data now being reported on a monthly basis, we hope facility managers are now measuring their own performance against the wider market trends, helping to put their own facility results into perspective.\"

The Australian Golf Industry Council (AGIC) was established in late 2006 to provide a forum to help unite the industry on agreed industry wide initiatives.

Membership includes: Australian Golf Course Superintendents Association, Australian Ladies Professional Golf, Australian Sporting Goods Association, Golf Australia, Golf Management Australia, PGA of Australia and the Society of Australian Golf Course Architects.

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