• Rookie Squad program applications open
Indonesian Open champion and 2012 Rookie Squad member Nick Cullen.

Now entering its fifth year, the Golf Australia Rookie Professional program allows a number of professionals to receive the levels of support that have previously been unavailable. The program`s recent success stories include dual Ladies European Tour winner Stacey Keating, OneAsia winner Nick Cullen, Asian Tour winner Kieran Pratt and LPGA Tour graduate Julia Boland.

Applications are now open for the Golf Australia Rookie Program for 2013

Download: 2013 Rookie Squad Application Form

Download: 2013 Rookie Squad Athlete Information

The purpose of the Golf Australia Rookie Program is to support athletes who are in the final stages of their amateur golf through to athletes who are in the first five years of their professional golf careers.

There are essentially two streams of funding:

1. Training and preparation funding. This is to support you with coaching, strength and conditioning, biomechanics, sports psychology and physiotherapy services, etc. Through the Rookie Program Golf Australia will pay the agreed costs which are part of your annual plan with no requirement for you as the athlete to repay any of those agreed costs.

2. Competition expenses. An allocation of funding to assist you to play in the events which form part of your competition schedule. This can include, but is not limited to travel expenses, caddie fees, entry costs as well as qualifying tournaments. There is also no requirement for agreed competition costs to be repaid.

For further details regarding the Golf Australia Rookie Program, please contact Golf Australia`s High Performance Department at mattc@golfaustralia.org.au or on +61 3 9626 5000.

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